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Information Technology​

Information Technology​

Telecommunications, information technology is a specific industry with the requirement of 24/7 smooth operation, requiring the power system to be guaranteed at all times. Infrastructure systems from traditional telecommunications companies such as television and radio to businesses in the field of web design, data storage, server service provision, switchboard, .. all need to the stability of the power supply.

In addition to the fields mentioned above, UPS is also widely applied in different industries and fields in today’s life such as: Industry, automation, PLC control, construction industry, for elevators, rolling doors, magnetic doors, automatic doors, entertainment activities, television, electronic information sites, newspapers, radio, printing industry…


Dropouts & blackouts

Surges & overvoltages

Sags & undervoltages

Voltage oscillation

Burst transients


To protect the power sourcing  from these common electrical disturbances, We suggest a range of advanced technological solutions at the service of infrastructures as critical as those in this sector.


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